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RAK 陶瓷 

RAK 陶瓷工厂致力为国际餐饮市场提供高质量高工艺的优质餐桌陶瓷。总部位于阿联酋的哈伊马角。工厂占地十万平方米,配以最先进生产器材设备,产出高质量强化瓷,年产量达到两千八百万件。通过三个销售网络中心,卢森堡,纽约和迪拜,服务于全球超过 165 个国家,为国际顶尖星级酒店,宾馆,餐厅以及大型连锁提供最优质的陶瓷餐具。

作为全球增长最迅速的生产商之一,通过一直与各顶尖厨师合作,我们产品在全世界服务超过四万家餐厅,星级宾馆,邮轮,会议中心,体育馆等。RAK 陶瓷是业内值得信赖的合作伙伴,产品既深且广,足以满足全部陶瓷餐具种类的需求,而稳定的质量和创新的设计,均令全球餐饮领导者爱不释手。

RAK 2006 年开始,目标是成为餐桌陶瓷餐具的一站生产商。透过和各米其林厨师的紧密合作,欧洲的出名设计师,配合高质量先进的生产设备,和熟练的工厂技工, 我们成功的成为潮流的领导者。此外,我们也为了陶瓷餐具搭配上系列设计的不锈钢餐具,崭新的设计,坚固耐用的质量,潮流的中空器皿,都为高端餐饮带来不一样的用餐效享受体验。也因为我们对饕餮的热爱,和工艺质量的执著,加上我们可为各集团按各自需求和设计特殊订做,让行业认可我们的宗旨:非 RAK 不可。

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Our Designers

Mikeala Dorfel

Her design takes its inspiration from an ancient farm surrounded by horses and meadows dotted with small lakes, directly from nature itself, underpinned by a defined structure.

Gemma Bernal

The strength of the concept is its simplicity and accessibility. The concept must inspire, awaken the senses, function independently and do justice to the natural materials

Murali E.A

For Murali it’s his love for nature and photographic skill set that has inspired his creativity. He has proven ability to capture images quickly and use them in his day to day assignments.

Anna Roquiero

Shapes new forms of tableware design with an innovative language as organic and sensitive shapes show her love for nature and respect for the environment with products which are born to last and stay.

Giuseppe M Scutella

"I like to talk with the soul of all my projects, discover its history and capture the hidden hues of its character, respect its nature and embrace its languages. It is my way of approaching its magical essence and becoming its interpreter."

Sahar Madanat

A pioneer in product design and is one of the most awarded designers in the Middle East. Her design work ranges from medical wellness to new concept furniture.

Alain & Dominique Vavro

Will update soon

Robin Levien

Challenging and exciting; expect the unexpected, states Robin Levien when asked about his thoughts on working with RAK Porcelain. An industry veteran with 43 years of designing experience in the ceramic and porcelain industry.

Pamela Luisi

Painter, decorator, designer. My creations reflect a deep understanding of technique and attention to detail. They originate from the observation of nature and everything that surrounds me, all of which I draw inspiration from. I like capturing the very essence of everything and conveying it through my paintings. Being a lover of art history, I have the passion and the ability to transmit my love for beauty through my work while adding an extra and personal touch to make each creation truly special.